The Varsity Renegades team worked back from 13 down in the semi final to hit a buzzer beater 3 to win that game. Fought back in the championship game down by 14 worked it to 5 with 13.8 to go. 6 points in 13.8 seconds. Win by 1 #relentless #neverquit Cant forget to mention 2 mvp awards.
Welcome 2018-19 5th-6th Grade Girls
Game one, we were outscored by the other team but learned each other today. Moving forward I would expect the team to grow, learn and compete. At one point they were down and fought back to tie the game. #neverquit
That is all you can ask as a coach.
Zero Gravity Recognition
2018 Memorial Day Classic Champions
Another tournament win in the books for the 2018 Varsity team.
2018 FCP Run for the Roses Champions
2017 FCP April Shootout
We waited to see if we could get in the chip game, after 5 minutes they were down 24-2, at half still down 19, in the end this group won the game 67-66! One in the books for 2017 Gades! Great effort all around players. #family